2. Contact form

Contact form

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*Confirm E-mail

About the use of Personal Information

1. Corporate name

Aichi Dobby Ltd.

2. Person in charge: title and contact

Person in charge for protection of Personal Information: Company’s President
【Customer Service Department】
・By phone:Aichi Dobby, Ltd. Personal Information Counter TEL. +81(0)52-352-2531
Business hours:9:00~17:00 [weekdays only, except national holyday]

3. Purpose of use of Personal Information

To respond your inquiries and requests.

4. Disclosure of Personal Information

To provide Customers with a better service, Personal Information may be transmitted to third party service providers.

5. Inquiries and revision regarding Personal Information

When, regarding the purpose of use of its Personal Information, a User requests a notification or disclosure, the review, suspension of use, total deletion or suspension of disclosure to third party of that information, proper action is taken.

6. Choices for transmitting your Personal Information

It is up to you to decide what Personal Information to transmit to AD. However, be aware we may not be able to provide our service when necessary Personal Information is missing.

I have read and agree with the terms of the above Privacy Policy.

Due to a rush of enquiries, it may take a few weeks to reply your message.
We apologize for the incovenience and thank you for your kind understanding.

Aichi Dobby, Ltd.
Vermicular Customer Service
Open weekdays only